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- ✈️ How To Get Discovered & Build Trust With Your Audience
✈️ How To Get Discovered & Build Trust With Your Audience
Plus: Twitter thread hack, offer value ladders, and much more.
Welcome to the 'Brief,' your favorite newsletter where I share the best growth tactics for founders & creators one week at a time.
Here's what we've got for you today:
🎯 What is a Discovery Engine?
🏎 Discovery Engine vs. Trust Engine
📈 How to Increase Reach on Twitter Threads
🪜 How to Create a Value Ladder For Your Customers
🤳🏻 Why You Need to Get Your Audience Off Social Media
Sit back, relax, and enjoy — we're taking off!
✈️ Episode Itinerary
2.6 million.
That's how many followers Instagram influencer Arii had when she decided to sell t-shirts to her "fans."
So how many fans decided to buy her shirts?
Take a wild guess... we'll come back to this in a minute.
I used to think that having an audience is all you needed to start a business, just like Arii.
But, followers don't necessarily translate into sales.
So how do you find your audience, then nurture them into paying customers? What about enhancing your offers to your existing customers to increase customer lifetime value?
Today, we're talking about your discovery engine, your trust engine, and last but not least, your offer value ladder: what it is, why it's so important, and how you can segment your customers with offers they simply can't refuse.
By the end of this episode, you'll know exactly how to attract, nurture, and increase the lifetime value of your customers.
Oh, and that Instagram influencer?
She failed to sell 36 t-shirts.
So much for being an "influencer," right?
In this episode, you'll learn:
Your First Steps After Launching Your Business (1:13)
What is a Discovery Engine? (2:38)
Examples of Discovery Engines (3:10)
What Is a Trust Engine? (6:48)
Lesson Learned: Getting Banned on Facebook (8:20)
Why You Need to Get Your Audience Off Social Media (9:07)
Example: Urban EDC's Trust Engine (11:06)
Alternative Trust Engines: Webinars & Trade Shows (12:44)
Build Trust, Familiarity, and Authority (13:51)
Creating Your Value Ladder (14:12)
Ask Me Anything (18:36)
🥨 Growth Snack of the Week:
In-flight service time! Here, I share bite-sized growth snacks (read: hacks) building my audience for First Class Founders.
Snacks are meant to be tried and shared. If you do try them, please tag me on Twitter and let me know what you think!
How to Increase Reach on Twitter Threads:
Today, we're going deep into Twitter.... and deep into Twitter threads, literally.
I'm going to share with you 3 different methods to increase reach on your Twitter threads, which most of you know, are the way to get more impressions and grow your audience on Twitter.
Now, each Twitter thread is composed of multiple tweets inside the thread. In essence, a thread is just one tweet posted at the same time along with other tweets.
Why does this matter? Well, this means that each tweet inside the thread can be a standalone tweet.
To do this method effectively, here's the golden rule:
💡 Tip: Make as many tweets inside the thread stand as its own tweet.
What do I mean by this? Take a look at this thread:
Now, take a look at the 4th tweet WITHIN this thread (top one):
This tweet can stand as its own tweet. I'd actually argue both of these tweets can. So, why does this matter so much?
Well, now we can post those tweets by themselves. And when your readers click into them, they'll be dropped right into the thread itself, giving your thread more impressions, more engagement, more of... everything, really.
I've tested 3 different methods of this technique. Let's dive into each one...
Plain Jain Method:
This one is easy:
💡 Tip: Retweet the tweets inside your thread.
From the example above, you can see that I've already done this (green RT buttons!).
They make sense as standalone tweets so they don't look awkward in your timeline. It just looks like a regular Retweet. If your audience skimmed right past your thread the first time, now, they see a "new" tweet as a Retweet, within the big thread itself.
Again, when they click into this Retweet, they can dropped right into the master thread. Brilliant.
Embed Method:
This one is a bit harder to wrap your head around. But in essence:
💡 Tip: Copy and paste the tweet's link as a standalone tweet.
In other words, when you embed your posts, enter just the URL of that specific tweet into your Tweet scheduler. I use Typefully and it looks like this:
When your audience sees this and clicks into it, they'll be dropped right into the entire thread boosting your impressions and engagement for the thread.
Fancy Embed Method:
Sorry, I couldn't think of a better name for this one. As the method name states, this one is a bit fancier and actually my preferred method since it can drum up engagement as its own tweet:
💡 Tip: Grab the link from your threaded tweet, paste it, then add text to make it look like a regular tweet.
Your audience will be curious, click into the tweet, then bam! You guessed it, they're right in the middle of your thread. Most likely, they'll scroll up to see the entire thread in context to that threaded tweet.
Personally, this has been my most effective method so far. This is what it looks like in Typefully:
That's it! Any of these three methods will boost engagement on your threads. Try them out yourself and let me know on Twitter what you think! (And don't forget to share this snack with your friends!)
Hope you liked this week's Growth Snack! Big shoutout to my friend Clint Murphy for the inspiration behind this one.
🎛 Metrics Dashboard
I'm building First Class Founders in public. So each week, I share my numbers exclusively through subscribers of this newsletter only. Enjoy!
90-Day Downloads: 14,116 (+419)
30-Day Downloads: 2,283 (-207)
7-Day Downloads: 500 (+10)
👍🏻 Recommendation: Thinking of starting a podcast? I recommend Buzzsprout.
Subscribers: 761 (+144)
Open Rate: 43.3%
Click Rate: 11%
👍🏻 Recommendation: Interested in starting a newsletter? I love using Beehiiv.
🔍 Community Spotlight
Danny V is a friend I recently met through a Twitter Growth Community cohort we did together. He's very knowledgeable in the world of personal finance, taxes, and wealth building, in general.
His newsletter for higher earner is a goldmine of information.
Here's the pitch:
"1 tip every Saturday morning to help high earners build wealth."
💬 Final Word
Hope you enjoyed this edition!
I made quite a few changes this week and I'm looking for your feedback.
If you could take 2 minutes, please hit reply and let me know what you thought about today's newsletter.
I would appreciate it greatly. 🙏🏼
Also, I was interviewed by Kunle Campbell of the 2X eCommerce Podcast, my largest podcast appearance, yet!
Check it out if you're curious!
See you all next week.
Yong-Soo Chung — Serial Entrepreneur, Podcaster
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